Khoom Specification: Khoom Specification Pom Lub teeb daj kua Viscosity (25 ℃) 30-70 cst Cov ntsiab lus nquag 100% Nto Tension (0.1% mN / m) 20-21.5 mN / m Turbidity point (0.1%, 25 ℃) <10 ℃ Flow point ℃ -8 ℃ Product Description: Agricultural silicone additives can be incorporated into spray mixtures of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, foliar fertilizers, plant growth regulators and/or biopesticides, thiab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tsim rau cov kab mob.Nws muaj su... -
Fenoxaprop-P-ethyl |62850-32-2
Product Specification: Yam khoom Specification Concentration 69g/L Formulation EW Product Description: Feem ntau yog siv rau kev tiv thaiv thiab tswj cov tsiaj qus oats, lookout, dogweed, oats, barnyard nyom, nws tus kheej-sown pob kws, matang, thiab lwm yam. Daim ntawv thov: (1) Nws yog ib qho carbamate acaricide, nrog rau kev ua kom muaj zog ntawm cov qe, larvae thiab wakame, thiab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog kev ua haujlwm zoo ntawm cov qe.Nws tsis muaj zog rau poj niam mites, tab sis nws muaj kev ua haujlwm ntawm kev txo cov poj niam mite reproduction thiab xws li ... -
Thiamethoxam |153719-23-4
Khoom Specification: Yam Thiamethoxam Technical Grades(%) 98 Dej dispersible (granular) agents(%) 25 Product Description: Thiamethoxam yog ib tiam thib ob nicotine-based, muaj txiaj ntsig zoo thiab tsis muaj tshuaj tua kab mob nrog rau plab, tactile thiab endosorbent kev tiv thaiv kab tsuag thiab yog siv raws li foliar tshuaj tsuag thiab raws li cov av hauv paus kev kho mob.Nws yog sai absorbed thiab kis mus rau txhua qhov chaw ntawm cov nroj tsuag tom qab thov, thiab yog zoo tiv thaiv stinging p ... -
Tecrachlorvinphos |961-11-5 : kuv
Product Specification: Yam khoom Tecrachlorvinphos Technical Grades(%) 98 Product Description: Tecrachlorvinphos yog ib qho organic compound siv feem ntau yog tshuaj tua kab rau kev tswj cov kab mob lepidopteran thiab dipteran thiab ua npauj tshuaj tua kab.Daim ntawv thov: (1) Siv feem ntau yog tshuaj tua kab tiv thaiv kab mob lepidopteran thiab dipteran thiab ua npauj tshuaj tua kab.Pob: 25 kgs / hnab los yog raws li koj thov.Cia: Khaws ntawm qhov chaw muaj cua, qhuav.Executive Standard: International ... -
Pymetrozine |123312-89-0
Khoom Specification: Yam khoom Pymetrozine Technical Grades(%) 97 Wettablepowder(%) 50 Product Description: Pymetrozine belongs rau pyridine (pyridine-methylimine) los yog triazinone cov tshuaj tua kab thiab yog cov tshuaj tua kab tsis-biocidal, thawj tsim hauv 1988 los ntawm Swiss tuam txhab , uas tau qhia zoo heev tswj ntawm stinging qhov ncauj-ua pa kab tsuag nyob rau hauv ib tug ntau yam ntawm cov qoob loo.Pirimicarb muaj cov nyhuv kov-tua rau cov kab tsuag thiab tseem muaj cov haujlwm endosynthetic.Nws yog ... -
Lufenuron |103055-07-8
Khoom Specification: Yam Khoom Lufenuron Technical Grades(%) 98 Cov ntsiab lus zoo (%) 5 Cov lus piav qhia: Lufenuron yog lipophilic benzoylurea insecticide thiab inhibitor ntawm titin synthesis rau flea thiab ntses ntshauv tswj.Lufenuron inhibits arthropod moult.Daim ntawv thov: (1) Kab loj hlob regulator, siv los inhibit qhov kev loj hlob ntawm flea larvae ntawm lub cev nto ntawm dev thiab miv.Pob: 25 kgs / hnab los yog raws li koj thov.Cia: Khaws ntawm qhov cua, ... -
Indoxacarb |144171-61-9
Product Specification: Yam khoom Indoxacarb Technical Grades(%) 95 Suspension(%) 15 Water dispersible (granular) agents(%) 30 Product Description: Indoxacarb yog cov tshuaj tua kab dav dav oxadiazine uas cuam tshuam cov paj hlwb los ntawm kev thaiv cov sodium ion channel hauv kab paj hlwb thiab muaj tactile gastric ua, uas tuaj yeem tswj tau ntau yam kab tsuag ntawm cov qoob loo xws li nplej, paj rwb, txiv hmab txiv ntoo thiab zaub.Daim ntawv thov: (1) Nws yog haum rau th... -
Imidacloprid |105827-78-9
Product Specification: Yam khoom Imidacloprid Technical Grades(%) 97 Suspension(%) 35 Water dispersible (granular) agents(%) 70 Product Description: Imidacloprid yog ib qho tshuaj tua kab mob nitro-methylene ntawm chlorinated nicotinyl pawg, tseem hu ua neonicotinoid insecticide. , nrog rau cov tshuaj formula C9H10ClN5O2.Nws yog dav-spectrum, zoo heev, tsis muaj tshuaj lom, tsis tshua muaj residue, kab tsuag tsis yooj yim resistant, thiab muaj ntau yam teebmeem xws li kov, ... -
Fipronil |120068-37-3
Product Specification: Yam khoom Fipronil Technical Grades(%) 95,97,98 Suspension(%) 5 Dej dispersible (granular) agents(%) 80 Product Description: Fipronil yog phenylpyrazole insecticide nrog dav spectrum ntawm insecticides, feem ntau gastric lom, kov thiab qee qhov kev ua haujlwm.Nws cov txheej txheem ntawm kev ua haujlwm yog txhawm rau cuam tshuam cov metabolism ntawm chloride tswj los ntawm γ-aminobutyric acid hauv kab.Nws tuaj yeem siv rau hauv av lossis ua cov tshuaj tsuag foliar.Soj... -
Diflubenzuron |35367-38-5
Product Specification: Yam khoom Diflubenzuron Technical Grades(%) 95 Siv tau zoo concentration(%) 5 Suspension(%) 20 Wettablepowder(%) 75 Product Description: Diflubenzuron yog ib qho tshwj xeeb, tsis tshua muaj tshuaj tua kab ntawm benzoyl pawg, uas muaj lub plab thiab thixotropic. cuam tshuam rau cov kab tsuag los ntawm inhibiting cov synthesis ntawm titin, tiv thaiv kev tsim ntawm epidermis tshiab thaum lub sij hawm moult ntawm larvae, thiab ua rau cov kab tuag los ntawm deformation.Nws kuv... -
Chlorfenvinphos |470-90-6 : kuv
Khoom Specification: Yam khoom Chlorfenvinphos Technical Grades(%) 94 Cov concentration (%) 30 Product Description: Chlorfenvinphos yog tshuaj lom heev thiab feem ntau siv los ua cov tshuaj tua kab hauv av rau nplej, nplej, pob kws, zaub, txiv lws suav, txiv apples, citrus, qab zib pas nrig, paj rwb, soybeans, thiab lwm yam. Daim ntawv thov: Chlorfenvinphos yog cov tshuaj tua kab hauv av siv rau hauv av los tswj cov hauv paus yoov, cag maggots thiab av tsov ntawm 2-4 kg AI / ha raws li cov qia thiab nplooj nplooj.Nws... -
Emamectin Benzoate |137512-74-4
Khoom Specification: Yam khoom Emamectin benzoate Technical Grades(%) 95 Product Description: Emamectin benzoate yog ib qho khoom seem-dawb, tsis muaj kuab paug biopesticide nrog kev ua haujlwm siab tiv thaiv larvae ntawm Lepidoptera thiab ntau lwm yam kab tsuag thiab mites, nrog rau ob qho tib si lub plab thiab kov, thiab tsis muaj tsim kev puas tsuaj rau cov kab muaj txiaj ntsig hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm kev tswj kab tsuag, uas yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev sib koom ua ke ntawm cov kab tsuag.Daim ntawv thov: (1) Nws tsuas yog tshiab, muaj txiaj ntsig zoo, tsis muaj tshuaj lom, muaj kev nyab xeeb, ...