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Cov khoom

  • Potassium Fulvic

    Potassium Fulvic

    Khoom Specification: Yam khoom Potassium Fulvic Flake Potassium Fulvic Powder Specification 11 Specification 22 Humic acid 60-70% 55-60% 60-70% Daj humic acid 5-10% 30% 5-10% Potassium oxide 8-16% 12% 8 -16% Dej soluble 100% 100% 100% Loj 1-2mm, 2-4mm 2-4mm 50-60mesh Cov lus piav qhia: Potassium daj humate feem ntau muaj humic acid + daj humic acid + poov tshuaj, muaj cov kab mob, cov ntsiab lus tsis tshua muaj hauv ntiaj teb , cog kev loj hlob regulators, virus inhibitors ...
  • Bentazone | 25057-89-0

    Bentazone | 25057-89-0

    Khoom Specification: Yam Khoom Specification Concentration 480g/L Formulation SL Product Description: Mifenzoate, tseem hu ua benadryl, exclamatory Dan, thiab lwm yam., yog heterocyclic selective touch-type post-mergence herbicide, mifenzoate in the domestic register and practical application of crops such as xws li nplej (direct-directed and transplanted fields), pob kws, nplej, barley, txiv laum huab xeeb, sorghum, soybeans, broad taum, taum, peas, dos, qos yaj ywm, qab zib, tshuaj yej vaj, qab zib ...
  • Bensulfuron Methyl | 83055-99-6

    Bensulfuron Methyl | 83055-99-6

    Khoom Specification: Yam Khoom Specification Assay 10% Formulation WP Product Description: Bensulfuron methyl yog ib qho tshuaj tua kab mob rau cov qoob loo uas tsis muaj tshuaj lom rau tib neeg thiab tsiaj txhu, thiab tsis muaj tshuaj lom rau ntses, noog thiab muv. Nws tau siv yav dhau los hauv cov liaj teb los tiv thaiv thiab tswj cov kab thiab cov kab dav dav, thiab tam sim no nws tau siv rau hauv cov liaj teb los tiv thaiv thiab tswj cov kab dav dav. Tus neeg sawv cev tuaj yeem nthuav tawm sai sai hauv dej, tau nqus los ntawm ...
  • Ametryn | 834-12-8 : kuv

    Ametryn | 834-12-8 : kuv

    Product Specification: Yam khoom Specification Assay 80%, 38%, 50%, 90% Formulation WP, SC, WG Product Description: Ametryn muaj cov nyhuv inhibitory ntawm photosynthesis ntawm cov nroj tsuag thiab yog ib qho tshuaj tua kab mob. Nws tuaj yeem adsorbed los ntawm 0-5cm ntawm cov av, tsim cov tshuaj txheej, kom cov nroj tsuag tuaj yeem tiv tauj cov tshuaj thaum nws sprouts tawm ntawm cov av. Nws muaj kev tiv thaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau cov nroj tsuag tshiab. Nws yog siv los tswj cov nroj tsuag txhua xyoo xws li Matang thiab Dogweed hauv pob kws thiab qab zib ...
  • Humic Acid Compound Fertilizer | 1415-93-6

    Humic Acid Compound Fertilizer | 1415-93-6

    Product Specification: Test Yam Khoom Siab Nruab Nrab Tsawg Tag Nrho Cov Khoom Noj (N + P2O5 + K2O) pawg pawg % ≥ 40.0 30.0 25.0 Soluble phosphorus / muaj phosphorus % ≥ 60.0 50.0 40.0 Ua kom muaj ≥ 3 humic acid ntsiab lus (los ntawm huab hwm coj. acid cov ntsiab lus (los ntawm pawg pawg)% ≥ 2.0 4.0 6.0 Moisture (H2O) pawg feem % ≤ 2.0 2.5 5.0 Particle loj (1.00mm-4.47mm los yog 3.35mm-5.60mm)% 90 Cov khoom siv tus qauv yog Intern ...
  • 2,4-D-dimethylammonium | Xyoo 2008-39-1

    2,4-D-dimethylammonium | Xyoo 2008-39-1

    Product Specification: Yam khoom Specification Concentration 720g/L Formulation water solution Product Description: 2,4-D-dimethylammonium yog ib lub qia thiab nplooj kho herbicide, muaj feem xyuam rau nplej, pob kws, nplej, sorghum, qab zib thiab lwm yam qoob loo thiab pas dej, orchards, pastures, ditches, ridges, lawns, non-cultivated av, thiab muaj peev xwm tiv thaiv thiab tshem tawm broadleaf weeds thiab ib co sedge weeds. Daim Ntawv Thov: Feem ntau yog siv rau kev tswj cov nroj tsuag dicotyledonous hauv ...
  • Sodium Humate | 68131-04-4

    Sodium Humate | 68131-04-4

    Khoom Specification: Yam Khoom Specification Humic acid ≥60% Dej solubility 100% PH 9-11 Loj 1-2mm, 3-5mm Khoom Piav Qhia: Sodium humate yog tsim los ntawm ntuj humic acid-muaj cov khoom zoo uas tsis tshua muaj calcium thiab tsawg-magnesium weathered thee los ntawm cov tshuaj refining, uas yog ib tug multifunctional polymer compound nrog loj sab hauv cheeb tsam thiab muaj zog adsorption, pauv, complexing thiab chelating muaj peev xwm. Daim ntawv thov: 1. dej purification: sodium humate muaj siab r...
  • Potassium Humate | 68514-28-3

    Potassium Humate | 68514-28-3

    Khoom Specification: Yam khoom Potassium humate ntsiav tshuaj Potassium daj humate hmoov Cov ntsiav tshuaj Cov ntsiav tshuaj me me Cov hmoov zoo Bright hmoov humic acid 60-70% 60-70% 60-70% 60-70% Potassium oxide 8-16% 8-16% 8-16 % 8-16% Dej soluble 100% 95-100% 95% 100% Loj 3-5mm 1-2mm, 2-4mm 80-100D 50-60D Product Description: Extracted los ntawm ntuj zoo weathered lignite, Potassium Humate yog ib tug heev muaj txiaj ntsig organic potash chiv. Vim hais tias humic acid nyob rau hauv nws yog ib tug ...
  • Acetochlor | 34256-82-1

    Acetochlor | 34256-82-1

    Khoom Specification: Yam Khoom Specification Concentration 900g/L, 990g/L Assay 50% Formulation Emulsifiable oil, microemulsion Product Description: Ethofumesate, organic compound, yog ib qho tshuaj tua kab mob ua ntej rau kev tswj cov nyom nyom txhua xyoo thiab qee xyoo broadleaf weeds, thiab yog tsim rau kev tswj cov nroj tsuag hauv pob kws, paj rwb, txiv laum huab xeeb thiab taum teb. Daim ntawv thov: Ethofumesate yog tshuaj tua kab mob ua ntej tshwm sim rau kev tswj cov nyom nyom txhua xyoo thiab qee xyoo b ...
  • Fluxofenim | 88485-37-4

    Fluxofenim | 88485-37-4

    Product Specification: Yam khoom Fluxofenim Technical Grades(%) 95 Product Description: / Daim ntawv thov: (1) Siv los ua tshuaj tua kab mob los tiv thaiv sorghum los ntawm kev raug mob los ntawm metolachlor; siv raws li kev kho cov noob ntawm 0.3-0.4 g ai / kg. Kev kam rau siab ntawm sorghum rau metolachlor yog khaws cia nyob rau hauv lub xub ntiag ntawm 1,3,5-triazines siv nyob rau hauv mixs rau ntxiv tswj ntawm broad-leaved nroj. Pob: 25 kgs / hnab los yog raws li koj thov. Cia: Khaws ntawm qhov chaw muaj cua, qhuav. Executiv...
  • Tshuaj yej Sead Meal Tea Noj

    Tshuaj yej Sead Meal Tea Noj

    Product Specification: Test Item Index High Middle Low Tag Nrho Cov Khoom Noj (N + P2O5 + K2O) pawg pawg % ≥ 40.0 30.0 25.0 Soluble phosphorus / muaj phosphorus % ≥ 60 50 40 Moisture (H2O)% 2.0article 5.0. mm los yog 3.35-8.60mm)% ≥ 90 90 80 Chloridion% ≤ chloridion dawb ≤3.0 tsawg chloridion ≤15.0 siab chloridion≤30.0 Cov khoom siv tus qauv yog International Standard Product Description: Los ntawm ib qho chiv ...
  • Emamectin Benzoate | 137512-74-4

    Emamectin Benzoate | 137512-74-4

    Khoom Specification: Yam khoom Emamectin benzoate Technical Grades(%) 95 Product Description: Emamectin benzoate yog ib qho khoom seem-dawb, tsis muaj kuab paug biopesticide nrog kev ua haujlwm siab tiv thaiv larvae ntawm Lepidoptera thiab ntau lwm yam kab tsuag thiab mites, nrog rau ob qho tib si lub plab thiab kov, thiab tsis muaj tsim kev puas tsuaj rau cov kab uas muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm kev tswj kab tsuag, uas yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev sib koom ua ke ntawm cov kab tsuag. Daim ntawv thov: (1) Nws tsuas yog tshiab, muaj txiaj ntsig zoo, tsis muaj tshuaj lom, muaj kev nyab xeeb, ...